My whole day has consisted of scanning old photos for a slide show for my grandma's funeral. I feel that it's ironic that it's Memorial Day today. A day I have never ever spent remembering the dead. Usually I would have to work, then head out to a BBQ somewhere...
So I am grateful that I don't have a job, so that I can just focus on helping in any way I can, and not have to worry about work. My parents have a lot to do before the funeral, so I went and picked up the Loo-loo and we had breakfast with Danny at the Pancake House. So damn good!
I am a genius and I smashed the crap out of the power cord for my mac, so we had to run around trying to find a new one so I could start this huge project. It has to get done today. The Apple Store in Gateway had none, they have been out since last week. Nice. And lame. So we went to Simply Mac in Midvale- and they were way more helpful, nice, and they had what I needed.
I figured since I have all these wonderful old photos of my grandparents now digitized, I should do a post dedicated to them.
I love you, and miss you so very much!


Las Vegas. I love this goofy photo of the two of them!

Grandma always cut our hair.

We loved playing with grandpa!

Grandpa, Grandma, Nick, Lindsay, Jessica.
That summer, I wore that swimming suit every day! I loved it- to pieces!
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