We celebrated the wonderful life of my grandma this past week. Her funeral went well- as best as a funeral can go, anyway. It was bittersweet, reuniting with family after years of not seeing each other, but only doing so to mourn that death of a loved one.
I inherited so many talents from my grandma- but there are a few that I didn't.

I got this book awhile ago, so I have been dying to learn how to crochet so I can make them. My mom's friend Hazel (that she has known since 2nd grade) is a whiz at crochet and knitting. I have been bugging her forever to teach me, and since she came to the funeral, we sat down for a few hours while I tried to figure it all out.
I hate learning new things. Did you know that about me? I suck at crochet. I can't get the tension right, and I do it waaaaay too tight. I made Danny watch Hazel teach me so that when I do it wrong at home, he can help me. He even tried it. Right-handed. And my left-handed husband did it much faster, looser and better than me. Sweet.
So here I sit, watching the Goonies and eating Peanut Butter n' Chocolate Ice Cream and failing at making a granny square. I can't get it started. Frustrated, and out of ice cream.
Luckily, I have more in the freezer. And Pet Semetary is on next.
Do you think I could pay Hazel to make them for me?
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