Much success!
We had so much fun, we decided to have these cookies parties year 'round! And since I make sugar cookies for most big holidays- (easter, halloween, christmas, v-day) I don't mind sharing the decorating (and baking) with everyone! (less stress, more fun!)
Can't wait to start!
See the hot pink frosting pile going on in the left? That was Kyle's signature style. And one that I admire greatly- I love frosting!
He actually wanted me to take his picture! Frosting turns the creepy aunt with the camera (me) into the cool aunt with the camera (also me). What? Did that even make sense?
This kid was my bestie for the afternoon. Earlier I tried to get him to talk during lunch, but he just stared somberly at his nacho cheese dorito.
Give a kid a cookie, gain a friend for life!

Clockwise from top: Dave's U, Kristine's happy face, simple sprinkles, Amber's love knot, Kyle's happy face, Janeen's creations, Dave & Becky's collage, and (uh) I can't remember who's these were! (dang!)
Going through these photos- I don't have any of just LaRue! It was her party after all!
Well, I will just have to do better at delegating out the camera next time so there is a better mix! I also forgot to ask my husband to help me take photos. Oops.
(Photo lessons for Danny- priceless.)
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