Tuesday, September 8, 2009

the honeymooners

(I meant to write this post after Danny's Birthday, but the last week or so in August was so crazy and sad that I completely forgot.)

Last year in the middle of August, Danny and I went on our Honeymoon.

We had originally planned on going right after the wedding. We were going to go to Italy for a month. Then it got cut down to 3 weeks. (travel was at an all time high back then) It took Danny a whole month to plan everything- flights, the order of the cities we both wanted to see, the best hotels for the best deals, and so forth. It seemed so out of reach and fairytale-ish.

Well, I guess it really was a fairytale.

After the wedding, Danny quit his job. That he hated. Out of the blue. After 3 months of looking for a new job, (and really freaked out) he decided to go back to school to finish his CS degree in order to be able to get a better job that he actually liked. So we cashed in our tickets to Italy, cancelled all of our reservations, and settled for pretty much the only place we could afford and that we could get flights and hotel for on such short notice, and that would still be Honeymoon worthy- Cancun.

Oh, it was SO beautiful! And the food was AMAZING!! (yes, it really was. And I am such a picky eater, especially on vacation- in Mexico.) And it was so damn hot that I almost died. (Do not go to Cancun in August.) Our hotel was right on the beach. We had room service almost every night. (It was cheaper than going out.) And who really wants to go out every night on their Honeymoon anyway?


We went to Chichen Itza. I was so excited! We woke up at the crack of grouchiness (dawn) to get on the bus. I was freezing on that bus. And so so tired. I tried to sleep. The damn tour guide made fun of all the people that were trying to sleep- he would pretend snore REALLY LOUDLY into the microphone. He made me very grouchy, on top of tired and grouchy. We stopped at a small hotel for lunch. The guide also told us right before we got to the hotel for lunch that their might be iguana disguised as chicken on the menu. (sick!) I had a coke for lunch.


We finally got there- and it was the middle of the afternoon was far away from the ocean breezes. It was so much hotter than it was on the coast- I was out of the freezing bus for 10 minutes, and I was completely soaked with sweat. I wanted so badly to take so many awesome photos with my fancy new camera, but I could not focus on anything except for being miserable and just wanting to leave. Now. But I endured, and Danny endured my whining. He did not complain once. I asked him why. He reminded me that he had lived in Kuwait for 6 months in a tent in the desert. He had to sleep on his stomach because if he slept on his back his sweat would fill his eyes and it would keep him awake. I tried to be nicer after that.


We got to go to the sink hole next. I was so excited, because you got to jump in. Danny wanted nothing to do with it, and in my right mind, I wouldn't of either. But I was so freaking hot. We got there, walked down the winding steps, took some photos, and when I got to the bottom, I ripped my clothes and shoes off, threw them at Danny, and jumped in while plugging my nose.

(sink hole, looking down)

If you know me at all, then you know how much I hate water in my face. And deep water. And any water that I can't see thru. I don't know how many hundreds of feet deep that sinkhole is, but it's a lot. And it's FULL of fish and other creepy crawly swimmy nibbly creatures. I rated my miserableness way over all of the other things, and dove right in. AHHH. It was perfect. It cooled me right off. When I got back up to the surface, gasping and gulping for air like I was drowning, I located the nearest exit and got out as fast as I could. Dripping wet and grinning, I found Danny and we went back up to the surface. I dried myself off with paper towels, put my clothes back on, and went to wait in the gift shop for everyone else to get back on the bus. Then it poured rain. I was still in good spirits, but with all the people, Danny began to get weary. And a little grouchy.

After a freezing bus ride back to the hotel, we were ready for a 7 day nap. We both showered, and then crashed into bed.


We hung out under the huts on the beach all day, every day. Then in the evening, we would walk around town, and get us some Dr. Peppers for the next day. Then we would order room service, and take a walk on the beach before going to bed.

I just had to have a ridiculous "cocktail" while I was sweating under that hut.

It was heavenly. A perfect Honeymoon.

(And someday, we will go on our fairytale Italian Honeymoon.)

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