Before heading out to Utah for Thanksgiving, Nan mentioned that she was stressing over needing to get family photos taken, and how she didn't want to pay for stupid studio shots.
So I said I'd do it. I'm not a pro by any means, nor have I done it very much, but what she wanted was low key and Mike had some idea's for poses. Or non-poses as Mike is anti-pose.
Oh Nan, you are so pretty!
Henry boy!!!!
Mike, who will never look at the camera and smile.
And Van. I told him to put his hands in his pockets, and he did it with a smile. This kid will let you take his photo no matter what you want. Please be this way forever!
This sequence squeezes my heart tightly and then melts in into a puddle.
Mom and Van.
Come on Henry! Join us!
Ok little brother, I'll help you.
So cute!
You guys, even though you aren't blood, you are my family through and through.
Henry, always goooooooing.
An outtake:
A serious face from the beginning of the shoot.
I hope these worked out for you!
I loved doing it, let's do it again! I need practice!
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