(this was supposed to be posted at the beginning of November.)
My friend Kim asked me to help her with Halloween costumes for her family this year. She is one of the most put-together people I know- she always has a plan, and it's always fabulous. And she always asks me for help with plenty of time to work my magic!
In October- her daughter's 2nd birthday and her due date with her little boy was happening. So the costumes needed to be EASY and cute.
Tada! Movie treats!
For Leah, I embellished a long sleeve white tee with a red M&M, made a cute little sequined headband and a very fluffy red tutu. I used this tutorial for the tutu.
For Charlie and Kim, I made a popcorn box cover for her bjorn. Then he wore a white hat that had popcorn glued to it. How cute is that? I totally loved making these!
Since I am a perfectionist... I went all out. She got the idea from this lady. I tried to keep it simple, I really did, but I think it's easier to make something look EXATLY like what you want, rather than guessing and just using any old font and whathaveyou.
I'm not dissing anyone, I promise! Let me explain.
I am not a pattern maker. I am a patter user, I love them. Once I get a design down, I can modify the shit out of it to get it to be exactly what I want. But starting from scratch is not my thing.
So I tried to just make shit up, printing a font off the computer that sort of looked right. But I needed it to look perfect.
I used regular old craft felt, sold by the yard at Joann's, and I used Heat 'n Bond to attach the felt pieces together.
I found some popcorn boxes on etsy. I figured out how wide it needed to be in order to cover the carrier. I took a box into a copy shop (actually 2, those people are kinda on the dumb side) to get the image blown up huge.
Then I simply measured the stripes, cut them out, and ironed them on.
I made a few copies of the "popcorn" part, and in layers, made it out of felt. I tried it on the carrier.
Then I added the sides, the bottom, and the velcro. Done.
I made a simple white cover using this tutorial. Then I glued the velcro to the outside of the cover, and to the inside of the popcorn box. That way there was no silly contraption holding the box to the carrier, it could be taken off/on easily, and it was sturdy enough to handle a wiggly baby and an active mama without falling off.
I think it turned out perfectly. Like above my expectations. I love it when that happens!
I also love brand new chunky babies! Hi Charlie!!
Little Leah in her costume.
All business here! And yes, it was so nice on Halloween in Utah this year that her dad is wearing shorts and flip flops. I hear it was in the 70's, which is unheard of.
Growing up- it was most always snowy, and we had to wear a sweatsuit under our costumes, and our coats over them.
Ah yes, here we go. My M&M costume from 1990. All of us in coordinating sweatshirt/sweatpants. My mom made that giant M&M out of cardboard, batting, and felt. Man, that thing was heavy! But I loved it. And how cute is little Lindsay Loo as a bee? Of course Nick rocks as Michelangelo.